mother daughter drone training
The DARTdrones Team

Happy Mother’s Day! Meet the Moms of DARTdrones

Mom’s make us who were are. Thank you to all of the Moms of DARTdrones for creating the best team we could ask for! Enjoy this beautiful day and we hope you demand a drone delivery breakfast in bed! Happy Mother’s Day!

Christina Martinez: DARTdrones Minnesota Flight Instructor

Me and my kiddos and a little toy drone we like to fly indoors.  I love to involve my kids as much as possible.  My 2 year old will be a visual observer for me when I fly for fun (Mommy – don’t hit the tree!) and I’ll often wear my 2 month old in her carrier when I fly my Phantom.


My mom raised us four kids alone in the suburbs of Chicago. We didn’t have a lot growing up, but she always taught us that we could be anything we wanted.  When my sister and I were 16, we decided we wanted to be pilots.  The local airport was a mile away and she encouraged us to get jobs at the restaurant there and use that money to pay for flight lessons.  She taught me that with a little hard work and determination, anything is possible!  Both my sister and I earned our private pilot licenses before we graduated high school.  My sister went on to serve in the Air Force and I got a BS in Aeronautics from University of North Dakota.


mother daughter drone training

Alex Martin: DARTdrones Content Marketing Manager

Meet Martha. She hates flying. Always has, and always will. She supports me no matter what, and I know I can count on her. Thanks for everything Mom!

Jimmy Burkhart: DARTdrones Colorado Flight Instructor

Mom, I wish I had words to tell how much you mean to me. Thanks for all of your love and support. Happy Mom’s Day! Love, Your Son

Abby Speicher: DARTdrones Co-Founder and CEO


My mom is the most brave, selfless, and happy person I know. I don’t know she deals with me and my three crazy siblings, but all she cares about is that her kids are happy. She recently took up farming, beekeeping, and spending a lot of time with her “grandchicks”, seventeen chickens (one of which was killed by DARTdog!).

Thank you Mom for being so supportive and showing me that I can do anything. Every day I work to be more like you! Love, your favorite child.  : )

Kevin Coughlin: DARTdrones New York Flight Instructor


My Mom was always supportive in every endeavor I engaged in. For my sixth grade elementary school graduation, I asked for a Kodak Colorburst 100 camera. Mom asked: “Why a camera?” I said I wanted to become a photographer when I grow up. She didn’t hesitate to buy it for me and now, decades later, I am still immersed in photography. But today, it’s mostly aerial photography. Mom would have been proud to see me become a private pilot and today as a Flight Captain for DART Drones, training others to reach for the skies.

Happy Mothers’ Day to All from DARTdrones!

May Thisyamondol: DARTdrones Director of Marketing


May’s mom, Char, has been an inspiration to May to go out and follow her dreams. Char graduated cum laude from Law School and has been a working mother her whole life, raising 2 fairly difficult children. Although she currently works in Private Banking, she always seems to be there for her kids in times of need!

Tak Urushihara: DARTdrones Social Media Manager

My grandfather (on my mother’s side) was a former manager for Japan Airlines and there was a lot of moving around because of the job.  My mom has since influenced me and taught me the importance of travel & experiencing what’s out there! Thanks & I love you Mom!

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As seen on ABC's "Shark Tank"

WHY DARTDRONES? We have a proven track record for training pilots in dozens of industries.


Our instructors have manned aviation experience flying airplanes and helicopters and have gained the highest drone piloting recognitions in the industry. Many own successful UAS businesses themselves.


As featured on ABC's Shark Tank, we are the nation's leading drone training company with an extensive network of alumni and partners throughout the country.


Created and refined by UAS training experts, our curriculum is the best in the industry and has been tried and tested by clients in dozens of industries.


With a community of over 65,000 drone enthusiasts across the US and internationally, DARTdrones is at the forefront of UAS technology.