Make money with your drone by starting your own drone business.
Our online course teaches you everything you need to know to start your own drone business.
Built by our experienced team:
- Chris Speicher Ph.D, Co-Founder & CVO of DARTdrones
- Abby Speicher, MBA in Entrepreneurship, Co-Founder & CEO of DARTdrones
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Trusted by Top Organizations Across the Nation

Many new drone pilots are taking advantage of the immense opportunities in the drone industry by launching their own drone business. Get started faster and with a higher chance of success by learning from our experts exactly how to launch a successful drone business.
Our course guides you through market analysis, competitive analysis, and selecting a target market to help you select the correct strategy for your goals.
Our course teaches you about digital marketing, networking, and public relations.
Our course teaches you how to setup your business operations from start to finish.
Our course clearly defines how to setup your business entity.
Our course covers copyright law, contracts, privacy, and trademarks.
Our course teaches you about protecting your business by obtaining insurance.
Starting a Drone Business Has Never Been Easier
- Drone Market Analysis
- Personal Fit
- Competitive Analysis
- Identifying a Target Market
- Target Market Pros and Cons
- Service Offerings
- Pricing Strategy
- Branding
- Choosing a Company Name
- Designing a Logo
- Developing a Tagline
- Digital Marketing
- Content Marketing
- Search Engine Marketing
- Pay Per Click Strategy
- Creating Your First AdWords Campaign
- Display Ads
- Search Engine Optimization
- Identifying Keywords
- SEO Best Practices and Strategy
- Social Media Marketing
- Creating a Facebook Ad
- Advertising in Newspapers and Magazines
- Public Relations Strategy
- Building to Scale
- Establishing Your Website
- Website Hosting
- Web Development Tools
- External Phone System
- Setting Up Business Emails
- Hiring Strategically
- Developing a Org Chart
- CRM Systems
- Project Management Systems
- Tools for Internal Communication
- Liability for Drone Pilots
- Types of Business Organizations
- Sole Proprietorships
- Partnerships
- Limited Liability Companies
- Employment Contracts
- Copyright Law
- Trademarks
- Privacy Considerations
- UAV Insurance
- Insurance vs. Warranty
- How Much Insurance Coverage Do You Need?
- Why Buy Drone Insurance?
- Factors Affecting Coverage
- Best Practices
- Insurance Options
- Warranties
- Risk Mitigation
I'd recommend it to others considering a biz startup.
The course was great and I’d recommend it to others considering a biz startup. I have many of the pieces in place including a LLC, logo, biz cards etc and just received and registered my new Phantom 4 Pro v2.0.

What's Included:
- 100% Online Course
- Information on Developing Your Strategy
- Strategy on Finding Customers
- Advice on Setting Up Business Operations
- Information on Legal Considerations
- Guidelines on Insurance
- Access to Drone Entrepreneur Webinars
Why Learn to Become a Drone Entrepreneur with DARTdrones?
We are Drone Entreprenuers Too!
Many of our instructors also own their own drone services business and understand exactly what it takes to be successful.
Curriculum Created by Entrepreneurs
The course curriculum was inspired by the most relevant topics based on the MBA in entrepreneurship program.
We’ve Helped Thousands
Over a third of our students are drone entrepreneurs. We’ve trained the best and brightest in the industry.
Access to Our Extensive Alumni Network
We have thousands of alumni across the country and train some of the largest organizations in the world. Join the ranks of the nation's leading drone pilots.
Availability for Advanced Classes
We train drone pilots on being successful from A-Z. As the national leader in drone training, we have over 15 in-person and online classes.
$50 Credit Towards any other DARTdrones Class
Receive a $50 credit towards any other DARTdrones class when you train with us.
This course is designed for the first time entrepreneur. Many new drone pilots have questions about building their first website, finding customers, and figuring out a pricing strategy. This course gives you answers on how to get started and launch your drone business.
The course is taught by Chris Speicher Ph.D, the Director of Entrepreneurship at Marywood University and co-founder at DARTdrones. Chris uses his over 30 years of expertise in entrepreneurship to get you started.
You will have access to the online course for six months.
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